C1624M-F (9/07) 39
To change the workspace layout:
• Click a layout icon in the toolbar.
• Go to the Workspace menu and then select a layout.
• Double-click any video pane in a multipane layout to open that video in single-pane layout. Double-click the video again to return the layout
back to the previous multipane layout.
• Use one of the following keyboard shortcuts. For example, hold down the CTRL key on your PC keyboard while pressing the number 2 to
switch to a four-camera view (2 x 2).
– To use a single-camera view (1 x 1), press CTRL + 1
– To use a four-camera view (2 x 2), press CTRL + 2
– To use a nine-camera view (3 x 3), press CTRL + 3
– To use a sixteen-camera view (4 x 4), press CTRL + 4
– To use a six-camera view (1 + 5), press CTRL + 5
– To use a thirteen-camera view (1 + 12), press CTRL + 6
– To use a ten-camera view (2 + 8), press CTRL + 7
Endura allows each user to have up to six different workspaces.
To add a new workspace:
1. Right-click a workspace tab (or go to the Workspace menu).
2. Select New Workspace (CTRL + ALT + N). The “Create a new workspace” dialog box appears.
3. Enter the new workspace name. The name may be no more than 50 characters long and may not include the following characters: / \ : ? “ <
> | . ‘ # ^.
4. Click OK to create the workspace, or click Cancel to exit without saving the workspace.
Figure 40. Adding a Workspace
To delete a workspace:
1. Right-click a workspace tab (or click the workspace you want to delete, and then go to the Workspace menu).
2. Select Delete Workspace (CTRL +ALT + D). The “Delete the current workspace” dialog box appears.
3. Click Yes to delete the workspace, or click No to cancel the deletion.
Figure 41. Deleting a Workspace