
132 C1624M-F (9/07)
Setting Up a Recording Schedule
By default, NVRs are configured to record video from all cameras 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To optimize your storage capacity, you may set
up schedules to activate recording on system NVRs of video from specific cameras at certain dates and times. You can also set up a recording
schedule that is activated when specific events occur. For example, you might create a recording based on event groups, alarms triggered on a
specific encoder, or motion detection on certain cameras. You must configure event groups, alarms or motion detection settings before you can
include them in recording schedules. For more information about setting up event groups, refer to Configuring Event Groups on page 130. For
more information about setting up alarms on encoders or motion detection on cameras, refer to Configuring Devices on page 84.
Figure 151. Setup: Recording Schedule