114 C1624M-F (9/07)
To add a new role:
1. Click the Setup button .
2. Click the Roles tab .
3. Click Add. A dialog box appears.
Figure 128. Adding a Role
4. Enter the role name. Click OK to confirm the addition. Click Cancel to exit without saving the new role.
5. Assign a priority (1-25) to the role. Priority 1 has the highest priority when more than one user is trying to access a device. Priority 25 has
the lowest priority. The default priority setting is 1.
6. Enter a brief description of the role. For example, “Day shift operator (from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) can view live video on all cameras, run searches
and scripts, and play back video on NVR1.”
7. Assign permissions to the role. Refer to Assigning Permissions on page 114.
8. Click Apply to save the settings. Click OK to exit and save the settings (if not already saved through Apply). Click Cancel to exit without
saving the new settings.
Giving a permission to a role is granting that role the right to access specific devices and services on the Endura network. By default, a new role
has no permissions associated with it. In creating a new role, you must assign to it a set of permissions to access:
• System features
• Devices
You also have the option to exclude specific devices from the permission set.
To assign permissions to features of the WS5000 interface:
1. Click the Setup button .
2. Click the Roles tab .
3. Click the role you want to edit. Information about that role appears on the screen.
4. Click the System tab (if it is not already visible).
5. Click the Modify button on the System tab. A dialog box appears.