166 C1624M-F (9/07)
recording a preset 47
rotating the camera 32
using the keyboard to operate 32
Quick Search
about 63
synchronized video playback 63
Rates for live video 23
Recorded video
see also Endura Player
manual recordings 62
playback controls 71
playback speeds 71
playing 71
synchronous playback 72
Recording schedule configuration
about 132
adding a recording schedule 133
adding camera groups to schedules 135
cameras excluded from schedules 134
cameras included in schedules 134
continuous schedules 134
date and time settings 133
deleting a schedule 139
editing a schedule 139
event-based schedules 135
monthly schedules 134
post-alarm recording 137
pre-alarm recording 137
recording durations 138
recurrence patterns 134
weekly schedules 134
yearly schedules 134
Relays and relay array configuration
about 109
activating a relay 61
assigning a location 88
connection type between relay and encoder 110
decoder configuration 102
encoder configuration 99–100
pulse mode 110
relay mode 110
renaming individual relays in an array 111
toggle mode 110
Resolution for live video 23
Roles configuration
about 113
adding a new role 114
assigning permissions 114
assigning roles to users 122
assigning to users 122
default roles 113
deleting a role 120
deleting roles from users 123
device access 117
device access limited 118
editing a role 120
excluding devices and services 119
permissions to services 116
removing access to devices, camera groups, or locations 118
system-level permissions 114
about 48
activating 48
stopping 48
Schedules, see Recording schedule configuration
about 49, 140
actions, list of 140
activating 50
adding a script 141
dates and times on which to run 144
deleting a script 146
editing a script 142, 146
events that trigger 145
list of commands 49
monthly schedules for 145
recurrence patterns 145
running a script manually 144
schedules for 144
stopping 51
weekly schedules for 145
yearly schedules for 145
Search for video
about 63
enhanced searches 64
quick searches 63
Security modes 81
Serial ports
decoder configuration 102
encoder configuration 99
mail server 81
time server 81
excluding access to 119
permissions to 116
Setup screen
about 79
Shortcuts and controls
about 20
menus 20
capturing 76
default directory for users 125
exporting 76
Software updates
about 147
locating new software packages 147
multiple devices, limitations when updating 147
Storage capacity for network video recorders 106
Synchronous playback
about 72
effects of different start and stop times 73
starting 72
System configuration
access to 80
advertising devices 81
image recording rates 82