C1624M-F (9/07) 13
Opening and Closing the WS5000 Application
To start the application, double-click the Endura icon on the desktop of your Endura workstation or personal computer. The Login dialog box
appears. If the SM5000 is online, a small key icon appears in the lower-right corner.
Logging on loads your user profile, including your language preference. When you start the WS5000 advanced system software, the Login dialog
box automatically appears.
When logging on to an Endura network that includes a System Manager (SM5000), the default user name is admin and the default password is
To keep your system secure, be sure to change the default passwords. Record the new user name and password information in a secure location.
Figure 1. Login Dialog Box
To log on:
1. Type your Endura user name.
2. Type your password.
3. Click OK.
NOTE: User names and passwords are case sensitive.
To cancel logging on, click Cancel.
If you enter your user name or password incorrectly, the dialog box shifts from left to right to signal the problem and the following dialog box
appears. Retype your user name and password, and then click Retry.
Figure 2. Retry Login Dialog Box