
Example: Configuring a Connection Between User Devices
When configuring a connection between two ATM user devices attached to different
subnetworks (for example, between Workstation D and Workstation E in Figure 3-4 on
page 3-12), you must:
Configure the route between the clusters in the first subnetwork; for example,
between Clusters A and B in subnetwork Y.
Configure the route between the clusters in both subnetworks; for example, from
Cluster B in subnetwork Y to Cluster C in subnetwork X.
To configure the route from Workstation D to Workstation E, you would start from hub
F, the entry point to Cluster A in subnetwork Y:
1. From hub F, enter the SET STATIC_ROUTE command with the ACN for Cluster C.
2. From hub G (boundary hub), enter the SET LOGICAL_LINK command with the
ACN for Cluster C.
3. From hub H (the entry point in Cluster B), enter the SET STATIC_ROUTE
command with the ACN for Cluster C.
4. From hub H (which is also a boundary hub), enter the SET LOGICAL_LINK
command with the ACN for Cluster C.
The ATM address of Workstation E is known in Cluster C by the updates received
at each ATM switch by the Topology Routing Service (TRS).
To configure the route for communication in the opposite direction, from Workstation E
to Workstation D, you would start from Hub J, the entry point to Cluster C in subnetwork
1. From hub J, enter the SET STATIC_ROUTE command with the ACN for Cluster A.
2. From hub I (boundary hub), enter the SET LOGICAL_LINK command with the ACN
for Cluster A.
3. From hub H (entry point), enter the SET STATIC_ROUTE command with the ACN
for Cluster A.