
Diagnosing Problems Concerning the 6416SW Console
The following section describes the problems that may arise after attaching the local
console to the 6416SW module through the RS-232 Console port. If you find that the
problem does not concern the 6416SW console, continue troubleshooting with
“Diagnosing Problems with ATM Modules” on page 7-14.
No prompt appears on your console screen when you press ENTER.
Steps to Take:
1. Check that the RS-232 cable meets the specifications described in Appendix B,
“RS-232 Cable and Modem Requirements” on page B-1.
2. Check that the RS-232 cable is securely plugged into the 6416SW module and the
console in the correct ports.
3. The terminal parameters do not match the ONcore communications parameters.
Use Telnet to modify the terminal parameters, using the SET TERMINAL
Use the SHOW DEVICE command to check the 6416SW IP address and
subnet mask, and the SET DEVICE IP_ADDRESS command to change them,
provided that the ARP-server address has already been set in the 6416SW. If
you have a DMM module installed, the above commands must be entered from
the DMM console.
4. Try using the default settings on the terminal (the default parameters are: 9600
bauds, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity). If this does not work, try different settings
until you find the right configuration.