
2. Message: Cannot connect to Host/no-repsonse-from-host.
Check that you can ping the host from the ONcore hub. If the ping fails, see
the previous sections on ping failures.
3. Message: Connection lost/connection-lost.
The SVC connection between the ONcore hub and the host has been cleared
during the file transfer. Retry the download. Look at all the Clear Tables of all
intermediate ONcore hub/4412SWs that are on the path between your ONcore
and the host. To do that, use the ATMC Control Panel (Statistics) and choose
'node' and 'Call-Logging' for all the intermediate ONcore hub/4412SWs.
4. Message: File not found/file-not-found.
You tried to download without specifying the name of the file to be downloaded.
Specify the name of the file.
You tried to download a file that does not exist on the host. Check that you
have not misspelled the name (blank spaces are treated as normal characters).
5. Message: File too big/file-too-big.
You tried to download an operational code to the boot sector of the ONcore.
Check the filetype for the download, and check the file name of the file to be
6. Messages: Bad file header/Cannot interpret file/invalid-file-header.
You tried to download a file that is not downloadable. If the source file name is
correct, and it was obtained by FTP, it might have been transferred in ASCII
mode instead of binary. Check the size of your downloadable file, and compare
it with the theoretical size provided by your 3Com Service. If the size is correct,
contact your 3Com representative.
7. Message: Checksum Error/Packet error/checksum-error.
there has been a problem during the transfer.
Download the file again.
A byte is corrupted in the source file.