
LES Monitor Statistics: Default Vccs counter oscillating, too few registered
Steps to Take:
Explanation: The workstation knows its ATM address, but that address has been
de-registered at the Switch/Control-point level. This happens when the workstation is
behind a concentrator (ONsemble ATM Workgroup Concentrator) that has been
disconnected from the switch for a short time.
Note: You can check whether the station is registered in the ONcore by using the
command SHOW ATM_ESI.
1. Wait a few minutes for the new registration to take place.
Clear Table: a lot of SVCs were cleared with Clause 31.
A high-bandwidth (100 Mbps or 155 Mbps) workstation or bridge has tried to call a
low-bandwidth workstation (25 Mbps). The call was rejected by the low-bandwidth
workstation because the bandwidth specified in the Q2931 parameters (even for a
UBR call) was too large. This is normal.
The source or bridge retried to call the destination station with a lower
bandwidth/bit-rate successfully. No action required.
Some ATM stations cannot talk to LAN stations behind PARALLEL bridges.
The 4404B bridge has a limitation of 256 ATM connections. One would think that
multiplying the number of 4404B bridges (in parallel) would multiply the number of
available connections. Doing so will lead to the problem that only 256 stations can
immediately establish connections with the bridges.
In a configuration with parallel 4404B bridges (bridges registered to the same LAN
Emulation Server, and connected to the same LAN), there may be collisions in
terms of connections. Indeed, when an ATM station calls a LAN station behind the
4404B bridges, each 4404B bridge will respond by establishing a connection to the
7-40 ONcore ATM Switch/Control Module: Installation and User's Guide