Frequency Output Process Variable controls the variable that is reported over the frequency
If you plan to configure the output to report volume flow, ensure that you have set Volume
Flow Type as desired: Liquid or Gas Standard Volume.
If you plan to configure an output to report a concentration measurement process
variable, ensure that the concentration measurement application is configured so that the
desired variable is available.
If you are using the HART variables, be aware that changing the configuration of Frequency
Output Process Variable will change the configuration of the HART Tertiary Variable (TV).
Set Frequency Output Process Variable as desired.
The default setting is Mass Flow Rate.
Options for Frequency Output Process Variable
The transmitter provides a basic set of options for Frequency Output Process Variable, plus
several application-specific options. Different communications tools may use different
labels for the options.
Options for Frequency Output Process VariableTable 6-5:
Process variable
Display ProLink II ProLink III Field Communica-
Mass flow
MFLOW Mass Flow Mass Flow Rate Mass flo
Volume flow
VFLOW Vol Flow Volume Flow Rate Vol flo
Gas standard volume flow rate
GSV F Gas Std Vol Flow Rate Gas Standard Volume
Flow Rate
Gas vol flo
Petroleum measurement
(standard) volume flow
TCVOL Std Vol Flow Volume Flow Rate at
Reference Tempera-
TC Vol
Concentration measurement
Standard volume flow
STD V ED: Std Vol Flow Rate Volume Flow Rate at
Reference Tempera-
ED Std Vol flo
Integrate the meter with the control system
Configuration and Use Manual 109