To send/read memory contents
When sending or reading memory contents, additional
codes must be added to append the memory channel
as follows.
➥ Additional code: 0000–0101 (0100=P1, 0101=P2)
Band stacking register
To send or read the desired band stacking register’s
contents, combined codes of the frequency band and
register codes as follows are used.
For example, when sending/reading the oldest con-
tents in the 21 MHz band, the code “0703” is used.
• Frequency band code
•Register code
Codes for memory keyer contents
To send or read the desired memory keyer contents,
the channel and character codes as follows are used.
• Channel code
• Character’s code
Codes for memory name, opening
message and CLOCK2 name contents
To send or read the desired memory name settings,
the character codes, instructed codes for memory
keyer contents as above, and follows are used.
• Character’s code— Alphabetical characters
• Character’s code— Symbols
Character ASCII code Character ASCII code
a–z 61–7A — —
Code Frequency band Frequency range (unit: MHz)
01 1.8 1.800000– 1.999999
02 3.5 3.400000– 4.099999
03 7 6.900000– 7.499999
04 10 9.900000–10.499999
05 14 13.900000–14.499999
06 18 17.900000–18.499999
07 21 20.900000–21.499999
08 24 24.400000–25.099999
09 28 28.000000–29.999999
10 50 50.000000–54.000000
12 GENE Other than above
Code Registered number
01 1 (latest)
02 2
03 3 (oldest)
Character ASCII code Description
0–9 30–39 Numerals
A–Z 41–5A Alphabetical characters
space 20 Word space
^5Ee.g., to send
, enter ^4254
✱ 2A Inserts contest number (can be
used for 1 channel only)
Code Channel number
01 M1
02 M2
03 M3
04 M4
Character ASCII code Character ASCII code
?3F” 22
>3E( 28