Hardware Installation
2−30 CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Data Matrix Switching
The Jupiter system can be used to control RS−232, RS−422, and RS−423 data switchers. In a typical application, a Venus data
matrix switcher can be used to route RS−422 machine control signals.
Older model Venus switchers equipped with DM 400 or DM 400A Data Matrix boards require crossover or Y−line cables.
Newer model Venus systems are equipped with the DM 400B Data Matrix boards; these boards have software−configurable
rear−panel pinout functions and do not require crossover or Y−line cables.§
Hardware Connections
For complete information regarding jumper settings and cabling, refer to the technical manual supplied with the data switcher.
Software Configuration
— For DM 400/400A Data Matrix boards, refer to Appendix L.
— For an overview of DM 400B configuration, see page 5−52. Entries are required on the Switcher Description
table (page 5−35), Switcher Input table (page 5−48), Switcher Output table (page 5−55), CP Input Set (page
5−62), and CP Output Set (page 5−78).
Type and model of switcher card is shown on front edge of printed circuit board.