
JNS CP I/O Set Editor
10−4 CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
This dialog lists the sets that have been created for use with the CP I/O Set Editor (when first opened, the list will be empty.)
From here, you can edit existing sets, delete and copy sets, and create new sets.
To create a new set, select New. The following dialog is displayed:
Figure 10−5.
This table shows the CP I/O Sets that are in use by the active (“Current”) Set. (The name of the Current Set is shown in the
Control Center menu; the names of the CP I/O sets are shown on the MPK Devices table). To create a new set for the CP I/O
Set Editor, select a set, enter a Name, and select Create. The program will create a copy of the selected input or output set,
and then display an edit window for that set.
To edit an existing CP I/O Set Editor set, select a row on the Select Set menu, and select Edit. An example of a CP input set
is shown in Figure 10−6.
Figure 10−6.