1−30 CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Software package Notes
JUP−SW 2500
JUP−SW 3100
JUP−SW 4000
See Note 1
JUP−SW 3500
Software Control Panel Suite (GUI) Option Option Option Option
Party line CP interface No Yes No No
Jupiter Source Tally/UMD
with SlimLine UMD Series
Yes Yes No Yes See Note 10
Jupiter Source Tally with
RP 1/2/3 UMDs
Yes Yes No Yes
Jupiter Source Tally with
SD 31/32/33
Yes Yes No No
Andromeda tally &
GPIO management
Option Option No Option
TSL Tally/UMD Yes Yes No Yes
Image Video Tally/UMD Yes Yes Yes (ASCII) Yes (ASCII)
On screen status display No No Yes (Using GV
8964OMD OSD)
VTR control protocol
Ampex, ES−Bus No Ye s No No
Sony No Yes No Yes
TCS machine control No Ye s No No
MI 3040 Machine Control Yes Yes No No
JNS Control System User Apps Yes Yes Yes, except CP I/O,
Saturn Follow and
PL Download
Yes, except
Saturn Follow
and PL Down-
1. For additional AccuSwitch information, see Appendix G.
2. JupiterXPress and AccuSwitch cannot be downloaded and executed in the same CM at the same time.
3. AccuSwitch cannot execute in a VM/SI but can operate in a network that includes a VM/SI.
4. JupiterXPress cannot execute in a VM/SI and cannot be operated in a network that includes a VM/SI.
5. Except for Triton, matrixes larger than 256 x 256 are an extra−cost option for serial control (“Remote”) routers.
6. Pathfinding is supported between CM−controlled routers provided that the CMs are running the same application (e.g. both are
running JupiterXPress or both are running AccuSwitch). Pathfinding is not supported between a VM−controlled router and a CM−
controlled router.
7. Data level pathfinding is not supported by any Jupiter system.
8. Only switches on routers directly connected to a CM running AccuSwitch can be guaranteed to be frame accurate.
9. Each “remote” router protocol is available as a separate option.
10. For the SlimLine UMD−UD/19, only the triple display mode is supported (i.e., 3 groups of 8 characters each).