Control Panel Operation
CP 3824
6−83CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Breakaway Switching − Multi−Level Take
This function allows setup of different sources on different levels with all levels switched using a single TAKE. For example,
you can select video from VTR1 and audio from VTR2 to switch to VTR3 with a single TAKE.
1. Select the first source using the Category/Number keys.
The Override keys cannot be used for this function.
2. Press LEVEL.
This activates the six “temporary level” buttons (the outlined buttons in Figure 6−116). Lighted buttons initially indicate
defined levels.
Figure 6−116.
Temporary Level buttons
3. Toggle OFF the level(s) you DON’T want to receive the source just selected.
4. Select the next source using the Category/Number keys.
This will automatically select the levels not selected for the first source.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to setup additional sources (if any).
6. When all sources have been selected and assigned to the desired levels, press TAKE.
Checking Status of Multiple Levels
There are two ways to check status on more than one level:
— Press LEVEL, then press one of the six “temporary level” keys. The name of the selected level will appear in
the Preset window; the status of the selected level with be shown in the Current window.
— Press PRESET, then press LEVEL repeatedly to step through the levels. The name of the selected level will
appear in the Preset window; the status of the selected level will be shown in the Current window. You can also
use UP/DOWN to step through the levels.
Breakaway Switching − Sticky Level(s)
This function allows breakaway operation during which the selected Levels remain selected after a TAKE. For example, you
may want to keep switching different video test signals to a destination but not switch audio tone. To turn on sticky mode: