
CP Output Set
5−86 CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
b. Specify the desired Entry (unit) number. This can be done by double−clicking on the desired “Entry” field and
typing the number. Press ENTER.
c. Select the Output name.
The source of these names is the Switcher Output table (page 5−55).
d. Check the Auto Mnemonic box or enter the desired Mnemonic.
The Auto Mnemonic function can be used to enter a control panel mnemonic automatically based on the Name
given to the output. In cases where the output Name is more than four characters long, the mnemonic will be trun-
cated to the first four characters.
If an Output Name is changed on the Switcher Output table and Auto Mnemonic is enabled, the mnemonic will
change to the new name automatically.
Note: if you use the Auto Mnemonic feature, it will not work if you go back to a version of the Jupiter
editor prior to 6.2.1.
A CP 320 panel can display four−character mnemonics; the CP 328, CP 3808, and CP 3830 can display eight−char-
e. Optionally, enter the Level Set name.
The Level Set column should be used when multiple switchers are in the system and you want the control panels
to control and status more than one switcher. See page 5−95.
f. Optionally, enter a Button number.
By entering a CP 3809 Expansion Panel button number from 1 to 40 (8 buttons x 5 panels max) in the Button
column and appropriate row of the CP Output table, the output will be assigned permanently to the desired button.
Note that this CP Output table must be assigned to the main panel (CP 3808 or CP 3830) on the MPK Devices
table—page 5−107. (Dynamic assignment of outputs, using the front panel, is described on page 6−124.)
When finished, go to Step 17.
11. CP 310 24 x 8 Eight−Bus Control Panel and CP 330/6 48 x 6 Six Bus Control Panel
For these multi−bus control panels, a special CP Output Set is used to identify the outputs that will be controlled by the
panel. This set is assigned to the specific control panel with the MPK devices table. In this case, there must still be an
entry in each field of the CP Output Set table, even though the only data that will be used is in the Output column. The
category name “dflt” is used throughout, but selection numbers and at least one character for a mnemonic will have to
be entered on each of the eight (or six) rows in order to satisfy the system compiler.
When finished, skip to Step 17.
12. CP 330 operating in dual bus mode
For the dual−bus CP 330 control panel, a special CP Output Set is used to identify the two outputs that will be controlled
by the panel. This set is assigned to the specific CP 330 with the MPK Devices table. The only data that will be used
is in the Output column; however, category names, selection numbers, and at least one character for a mnemonic will
have to be entered on both rows in order to satisfy the system compiler.