Status and Error Codes
CM 4000 Installation and Operating ManualR−10
Message transfer during last frame failed to complete. Determinacy of incoming messages was lost.
When processing input messages and a message failed to be completely transferred in the previous
frame this message is logged. It represents a determinacy error. Increments a serial input channel
determinism error metric.
5C Serial Processor: %s
DPM access failure. The system was unable to write serial messages. This message is logged when
the system is processing input messages and is unable to allocate DPM memory for writing. Incre-
ments a serial input DPM access error metric.
5D Serial Processor: %s
Message transfer during last sync interval failed to complete. Determinacy of outgoing messages was
lost. When processing output messages, if a message failed to complete in the last frame this mes-
sage is logged. It represents an output determinacy error.
5E Serial Processor: %s
Message overflow. Outgoing message lost. While outputting serial messages to the frame processor
the serial card ran out of memory and was unable to copy any more messages.
5F Serial Processor: %s
Data overrun error. A separate thread is watching all the port metrics overrun error counts. When any
port’s overrun error count exceeds its previously logged count this event is logged.
60 Serial Processor: %s
Serial Card Flash Directory Initialized. When a new board is installed this event is expected. Any-
time after initial installation if this event occurs the flash file system directories have both been cor-
rupted and were re−initialized.
61 Serial Processor: %s
Primary directory was copied from the secondary directory. When the primary directory was
checked, it indicated a data corruption problem and was replaced by the secondary directory copy
because its contents checked ok.
62 Serial Processor: %s
The flash file system attempted to update the directory in memory, but the write to flash failed for
the primary directory copy 1 or secondary directory copy 2.
63 Serial Processor: %s
A separate thread is watching all the serial port metrics error counts. When any ports line, protocol,
or timeout error count exceeds zero or its previously logged value this event is logged.
64 Serial Processor: %s
When a message comes from a serial port protocol, it is transferred from the serial processor to the
frame processor to be processed by the system. The protocol expects to receive either a positive or
negative acknowledgement. If that response is not received within the specified timeout period, this
event is logged.
65 Serial Processor Undefined: %s
Undefined serial processor log event. See message string.
66 Cannot run unit test for %s with production code
You cannot run unit tests when the code is compiled for production.
67 Could not create unit test task for %s