13−1CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Section 13 − Configuration Upload
Configuration Upload displays all CM 4000s on the LAN that are running Jupiter XPress, displays configuration information
about each CM 4000, and allows for the currently active configuration set and the previously active configuration set to be
uploaded from any of the CM 4000s.
Whenever a configuration set is successfully compiled, the set is zipped and placed in the Jupiter\Comp directory. When a
set is activated on a system that has one or more CM 4000s that are running Jupiter XPress, that zip file is downloaded along
with the compiled file.
When the Configuration Upload utility is used to upload the active or previous set, the zip file is sent to the Jupiter\logdata
directory on the Jupiter File Server. The Configuration Editor can then be used to unzip the set, edit the set, compile the set,
and/or activate the set.
1. Run the Jupiter Network Suite.
2. From the JNS Console, select “Tools > CM−4000 Configuration Info and Set Upload.” (The Tools menu is only enabled
when the JNS Servers are disconnected.)
Figure 13−1.