10−1CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Section 10 − CP Input/Output Set Editor
The Control Panel Input/Output Set Editor (sometimes referred to as the “Active Editor”) allows special CP I/O Sets to be
created and downloaded to the system controllers without using the Jupiter Configurator or the Control Center (see Figure
10−1). Since the download is limited to these special sets, the download process occurs much more rapidly than it would other-
wise. Modifications such as assigning a new category/number to an input, or changing a mnemonic, can thus be made without
affecting on−air operation or taking the control system down. It is also possible to edit Category names.
for editing
Compiled set(s)
Source sets
System controller
Select for
Copy of
Active Set
Select and
Figure 10−1.
The user first selects an existing CP I/O Set from the active configuration set, then creates a copy for exclusive use by the
CP I/O Set Editor. The copy is then modified and activated (downloaded). The set (or sets) are sent to the controller board’s
PMEM, overriding the current input or output sets.
Note 1: Saturn control panels are not supported by the CP I/O Set Editor, nor are the following control panel input/
outset set types: cp3310, mc3020D, mc3020L, serial, and cpsatrn.
Note 2: The CP I/O Set Editor does not support remote PC operation.
Since the modified set information is kept in PMEM, it will be preserved in the event of a power loss. However, it will be
lost if PMEM is cleared.
Important: Sets modified with the CP I/O Set Editor will no longer match those in the original Jupiter Configura-
tion Set. This creates a situation where, for example, Selected Set “config01” seen by the Jupiter Configurator does
not match Current Set “config01” seen by the Control Center. A good practice is to reconcile these sets as soon
as possible by using the Jupiter Configuration Editor to modify the original CP I/O Sets. This will avoid the poten-
tial confusion of having two versions of the same set.