
Glossary−6 CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
linkage − the Jupiter machine assignment function, whereby control of a VTR is passed to a remote panel. The
system can be configured so that linkage will occur automatically, based on the signal from the VTR being
switched to a destination associated with that panel; this function is sometimes described as “machine control
following the router.” Linkage can also be accomplished manually, using the MC−3020L Linkage panel. See
Little Cloud − engineering project name for
lock − 1. on Jupiter control panels equipped with a LOCK button (except MC 3020L): after a given source has
been switched to a given destination, and LOCK is pressed, the source for that destination can then be changed
only at the panel which set the lock; and only after LOCK is pressed again. Note that a panel can only lock
LEVELS that are assigned to the panel during configuration. See PROTECT, and FORCE UNPROTECT/UNLOCK. 2. on
the MC 3020L Linkage panel, the LOCK button is used to prevent any interruption in the assignment of a
machine to a control panel.
logical level mapping - in these systems, the same physical level number can be used on more than one logical
level. For example, you could have a switcher with Left Audio on level 2, and with Right Audio also on level 2.
This technique can sometimes help reduce overall switcher size, but it requires special entries to control sys-
tem tables.
logical level name − see
logical level number − see
logging − maintaining a disk file of Jupiter LAN activity, including switches, machine control commands, config-
uration set downloads, error messages, etc. Each file covers a twenty−four hour period.
LOS − Loss of Signal.
MADI − Multiplexed Audio Digital Interface. Interface bus used in Dune switchers.
matrix bus − see
M board − CE 3000 Matrix Controller. Now obsolete.
MDI − Multiple Document Interface.
MIDI − Musical Instrument Digital Interface. Serial interface bus used in Triton switchers.
mnemonic − abbreviation, usually four characters long, for a particular input or output. Mnemonics appear in the
LED status windows of the control panels. However, the term is sometimes used to define an input or output in
the sense of a logical device name.
MPK − message−per−keystroke. Protocol developed by Grass Valley for control panels and devices connected
to the Jupiter Serial bus. Baud rate is variable, with 8 data bits, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, and even parity; timeout is 6
characters (1.72 msec). See also
native protocol − GV Series 7000 Signal Management System Protocol via RS−232, RS−422, SLIP, or Ethernet.
In Jupiter systems, used for control of a Grass Valley SMS 7000 or Encore control system (which is in turn
connected to a routing switcher).