5−2 CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
5. To access Jupiter tables, use the “Jupiter” pull−down menu. For example, if you select the Network Description table
the display will be similar to the following (Figure 5−1).
Figure 5−1.
Jupiter Configurator menu
with Network Description
table open.
If a password entry menu appears, it means that a Jupiter password (other than the factory default of “999999”) has been
set. Enter the authorized password and click on “OK.”
The password system is discussed in detail starting on page 5−22.
6. The configuration set should now be edited as appropriate and made active (downloaded) as described beginning on
page 5−8. The pages immediately following provide general information about the Configurator.
Closing the Configurator
To close (quit) the Configurator, select “File > Exit” or click on the Close Box (X) in the upper right−hand corner of the win-
Other than for convenience, there is no need to leave the Configurator loaded after compiling. However, the JNS application
should be left running and the download connection to the CM 4000 System Controller should be left in place, in case the
a controller board requests a fresh download of data from the file server.