
1−27CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Software Packages − Key Features
Jupiter software is available in several software (SW) packages. One of these packages is normally activated by the end user
with a unique key code during installation (as described in the Field Engineering Bulletin supplied with the software).
The key features of these packages are summarized in the following table. Please keep the differences between packages in
mind when you refer to the instructions in this manual.
Note: The contents of the packages shown below are subject to change without notice. For the most current list
of all packages and features, please contact Grass Valley.
Figure 1−3. Key features of Jupiter software packages.
Software package Notes
JUP−SW 2500
Jupiter LE
JUP−SW 3100
JUP−SW 4000
See Note 1
JUP−SW 3500
Controller type VM/SI 3000 VM/SI 3000 CM 4000 CM 4000 See Note 2
Multiple controllers in network Yes Yes Yes (see Note 3) Yes (see Note 4)
Apex, Concerto, Trinix, Triton,
Venus control
Yes Yes Yes Yes See also page 1−11
for older Cross-
point Bus routers
Maximum Inputs x Outputs 128 x 128 1024 x 1024 4096 x 4096 (using
Ultra Crosspoint bus)
4096 x 4096
(using Ultra
Crosspoint bus)
See Note 5
Maximum Levels 32 96 96 96
Path finding (tie−line management) Yes Yes Yes Yes See Notes 6 and 7
Follow level switching Yes Yes No Yes
3−stage routing No Option No No
Distributed routing (switch forward-
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Frame accurate control (determinis-
tic switching)
No No Yes (see Note 8) No
File server OS compatibility
Windows 95/98 Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported
Windows NT Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported
Windows 2000 Professional Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows XP Professional Yes Yes Yes Yes
WAN operation of multiple Jupiter
No No Yes No With Jupiter 7.4.1