5−4 CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
When creating a name for a Jupiter set, table, control panel, or other device, it’s a good practice to use letters
and numbers only. If you want to use punctuation or special characters, check the list on page 5−7 before
creating a name.
• To jump to the bottom of a table, press CTRL+DOWN; to jump to the top, press CTRL+UP.
• To scroll to the bottom of a long table, press and hold PAGE DOWN. You can also “drag” the scroll box, or
click and hold on the scroll arrows.
• To copy rows and add them to the bottom of the table, drag−select the row number boxes of the source rows (the
rows selected must form a single rectangle). Use “E
dit” and “Copy.” Go to the bottom of the page. Press the
INSERT key. Then use “E
dit” and “Paste.”
• To copy rows and insert them in the middle of a table, see “Reordering” below.
• You can exit without writing even after changes have been Applied and the table closed by selecting “File >
Exit.” and answering “No” to the “Save?” question.
• Error detection and explanation − fields that contain insufficient or inappropriate information are marked in
red. Moving the cursor over the field will cause a Help window to appear.
• Auto Complete − the editor will suggest the remaining letters of a word that has been used before. To accept the
auto completed entry, press TAB; otherwise, continue typing the new entry.
Important: It is possible to reorder Jupiter tables, but this can be very disruptive if not done carefully. The order
of entries in certain tables is significant because row numbers are used as cross−references to other tables. If data
is moved from one row to another, these relationships may be broken and system operation will be unpredictable.
When adding new items to tables, add them at the end if possible. If you wish to reorder table data then you must
be prepared to clear battery−protected memory (Pmem) in the system controller and re−establish switcher status
and machine links. Clearing Pmem is described in Appendix B.
• To insert a new row in the middle of the table, click on the row number box above the row where the new row is
to appear. Notice that row selection is a toggle function. Then go to the “E
dit” pull−down menu and select “In-
sert Row.” (Or, just press the INSERT key.)
• To delete an entire row, click on the row number box and use “E
dit” and “Delete.” (Or press ALT+DEL.)
• To re−order a table manually, drag−select the row number boxes of the source rows (the rows selected must
form a single rectangle). Make a note of how many rows you have selected. Use “E
dit” and “Cut.” Select the
row number box above where you want to paste. Make room for the source block by pressing the INSERT key
once for each source row. Then use “E
dit” and “Paste.”
• To copy rows from one Jupiter table to another, drag−select the row number boxes of the source rows (the rows
selected must form a single rectangle). Make a note of how many rows you have selected. Use “E
dit” and
opy.” Go to the destination table. Select the row number box above where you want to paste. Press the IN-
SERT key once for each row to be pasted. Then use “E
dit” and “Paste.” (If you use this procedure without in-
serting blank rows, the existing rows will be overwritten.)