
Glossary−10 CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
super party line − see
switch forwarding − see
TCS 1 −T
ELEMATION Control System. Predecessor to BCS 3000 and Jupiter. TCS 1 provides machine control only
(no switcher control).
TCS 2 − control panel protocol used with the MCS 2000 Master Control Switcher. Contains byte counts, check
sums, and error detection. Replaces the TCS CP interface but not the TCS MI interface. TCS2 can only be used
with the MCS 2000, which must be equipped with updated PROMs.
TeleMation − Salt Lake City manufacturer of CATV and broadcast equipment founded by Lyle Keys and
associates. Now part of Grass Valley.
three−stage switching − architecture used for very large switchers as a means of reducing crosspoints needed for
a given number of inputs/outputs. An array of relatively small matrixes is arranged in an input stage, an inter-
mediate stage, and an output stage. The path taken by a given signal through these stages is determined by
software and will vary according to which circuits are already in use. Unlike
PATH FINDING between two dis-
crete switchers, three−stage switchers are carefully designed so that all inputs are always available at all out-
puts; i.e., the switcher cannot be blocked.
tie line − see
tributary − term used in
ESBUS documentation for an intelligent device (such as a VTR or control panel) con-
nected to an
TSL − Television Systems Ltd.
UMD − Under monitor display.
VDE − Verband Deutscher Electrotechniker e.V. (Union of German Electrical Engineers). Professional organiza-
tion in Germany authorized to conduct product safety tests.
VITC − Vertical Interval Time Code, embedded in the vertical interval of the video signal.
VGA Status Display − built−in switcher and machine control status display feature of the VM 3000. Can be
controlled by front−panel buttons or with optional VC 3020 panel.
VM 3000B − VM 3000 with minor electrical changes and “crescent” style front panel. Functionally identical to
VM 3000.
WPE − serial device type designation used for SPQ 3A frequency response equalizer connection to VM 3000.
XPT − crosspoint.
X−Y selection method − full−matrix control of switcher, where source is described as (x) and destination is
described as (y).
Y line − in an editing environment, some VTRs can act as controllers or tributaries. These can be connected with a
“Y” cable to two switcher ports— one for use when the VTR is a controller, the other when the VTR is used as a
tributary. If the VTR is operated only as a controller, or only as a tributary, then a “Y” cable will not be needed.