
Hardware Installation
2−86 CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Since production switchers do not use the Jupiter LAN, an MI 3040 General Purpose / Tally Interface must be used to obtain
switcher status. For each feed from the Jupiter−controlled router to the switcher(s), there must be a connection from a switcher
tally relay to one of the 40 opto−isolators of the MI 3040. This allows the system to determine what source has been selected
by such switchers. This information is used along with routing switcher status data to display the appropriate mnemonic.
The MI 3040 connects directly to a CM 4000 serial port using MPK protocol. Since information is shared among all units,
status displays can be operated by one CM 4000 based on MI 3040 data received at another.
Connecting production switchers to the MI 3040 opto−isolators will require an understanding of the switcher’s tally relay
hardware. Please refer to the installation manual supplied with the production switcher for more information. (The MI 3040
hardware is discussed on page 2−77.)
Note 1: “Jupiter control” can only operate status displays for sources that are connected directly to the Jupiter−con-
trolled router as inputs (i.e., sources that go through the router to reach the production switcher). The system cannot
track sources that are wired only to a production switcher.
Note 2: “Jupiter control” cannot be used to status inputs connected to the Saturn Internal Matrix Option. “Saturn
control” must be used for this purpose.
Software Configuration
Under monitor status displays must be identified as MPK devices. See page 5−116.
In systems which include production switchers, entries to special CP Output Set tables and entries to the Tally Relay Descrip-
tion and Dependency tables will be required (see page 5−119).
If SlimLine UMD tally light operation is needed, additional configuration will be required:
For the Jupiter Standard Tally application, there must be an MPK table entry for an “MI 3040/T” whether it is
physically present or not (see page 5−117). Entries to the Tally Relay and Tally Dependency tables will also be
needed (see pages 5−152 and 5−158).