
5−21CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
To unzip a set, click on “Tools > Unzip Configuration Edit Set”. You will be asked which file to unzip. Make sure that the
selected file is a valid zip file that was created by the method outlined above. Once you select a zip file and click OK, the set
will be unzipped. If the set already exists, you will be asked if you want to overwrite the set. If you select OK, the set will
be overwritten.
To combine the active configuration set with the editor’s diagnostic information in a single zip file, go to “Tools > Create
Support Package.” This file can then be sent to the Technical Services department to help them troubleshoot any difficulties
you are having. The support package will include the version of the configuration set that is currently stored on your hard
disk (i.e., unsaved changes will not be included). If your configuration set is new and has never been saved, it cannot be in-
Printer installation was discussed on page 2−36. If you want to print a single table, bring the table’s window to the top of the
desktop. Then select the “Print” command button on the bottom of the window.
Note: Printing of an entire set is not supported.
On−line Help
Two levels of Help are available for the Configurator: “What’s This” Help, whereby the name of a tool will appear when the
cursor remains stationary over the icon for that tool, and “Implicit” Help, where a brief explanation of a field’s purpose or
requirements will appear along the bottom of the window when the field is selected.
In addition, an Adobe Acrobat version of the manual you are now reading can be accessed by selecting the “Help” pull−down
menu. The Acrobat Reader must be installed to view the manual on−line.
Inadvertent Loss of Power
Following a power interruption, the Jupiter controller board(s) will reset itself and should be back in operation in a few sec-
onds. The controller board uses a combination of flash ROM and battery−protected RAM to maintain programs and user ta-
bles indefinitely.
Disconnecting File Server from LAN
The file server can be disconnected from the LAN without affecting control panel operation. However, if for some reason
a controller board requires re−downloading, it will be unable to complete this operation until the LAN is reconnected and the
JNS program is running properly.
Important: If for test purposes you wish to disconnect the LAN and reset a controller board, you must wait 60
seconds before pressing the reset switch. If you press reset before 60 seconds, the controller board will hang and
require re−downloading from the server.