
CP Output Set
5−80 CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Copying a CP Output Set for Use with a Different Panel Type
After you have created a CP Output Set for one panel type, you may want to copy it for use with a different panel. For example,
you may have a set for CP 3000 panels, and want to use it with a CP 310. You will need to re−enter the category/number selec-
tions (because of the difference in the number of possible categories), but you can save time by copying the set in order to
use the same mnemonics and output names.
As another example, you may have a set for CP 320 panels (which can display four−character mnemonics) and want to use
it with a CP 328 (which can display eight−character mnemonics). You will need to re−enter the mnemonics, but you can save
time by copying the set in order to use the same category/numbers and output names.
The procedure is similar to that already described for a CP Input Set (see page 5−77).