Input Source Assignment
CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual S−3
The recessed front panel switches are also used to select a serial address for the TSL UMD panel. The valid addresses are 0 –
125. This address is entered in the Jupiter MPK Devices Table in the “Address” field. If the TSL UMD has two displays,
then the left−hand display has the TSL serial address entered in the address field, and the right−hand display has that address
plus 100. For example, in a two display TSL panel, with the address “5” chosen, the left−hand display is address
“00000005” in the MPK Devices Table, and the right−hand display is address “00000105”. Please see the drawing below.
Figure S−2
Also, if there are more than two displays in a single TSL UMD chassis, the left−most two displays use the address that is set
by the front panel switches (again, please refer to the TSL manual for more information on how to set panel addresses). The
right−most one or two displays use the next sequential address. For instance, on the UMD−QD8 panel with four displays, if
the front panel switches are used to choose an address of “8”, then the left two displays are addresses “00000008” and
“00000108” in the Jupiter MPK Description Table, and the right two displays are addresses “00000009” and “00000109”.
Please see the drawing below.
Figure S−3
In all other respects, the TSL UMD panels behave exactly like the UMD3A UMD panels, including being able to be defined
as Saturn UMD panels, and controlling the tally lamps (Output Tally).
Recessed Front Panel SwitchesAddress “00000005” Address “00000105”
Recessed Front Panel Switches
Address “00000008” Address “00000108” Address “00000009” Address “00000109”