
Glossary−5CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
file server − a computer dedicated to providing access to a hard disk on a
LAN. In Jupiter systems, the PC that holds
the Jupiter installation with the active set.
follow switch − a switch made automatically on one level in response to a switch made by the operator on another
level. See also
force unprotect/unlock − a system management function that allows a new source to be selected for a protected
or locked destination. See
FPGA − Field Programmable Gate Array.
full−matrix control − ability to select any source for any destination.
gateway − a device for connecting two dissimilar networks.
GUI −Graphical User Interface. In Jupiter systems, a “software” control panel that exists only as a CRT display.
hardware address −another name for the link level address, a unique identifier required for every device that
operates on a network (for example, 08000090acf6 [hex]). Compare with
ICS − Integrated Control System. Original name of BCS 3000 and Jupiter Control Systems. “ICS” also refers to a
control system developed by Philips
BTS Darmstadt.
indirect status instruction − see
interface bus − an ESBUS term for the channel that connects VTRs, control panels, bus controllers, etc. Uses
9−pin D connectors (but Grass Valley version uses only 5−conductor cable). See
JNIA - Jupiter Network Interface Application. A program that supported operation of a Logger, Log Viewer,
Party Line Download software, Physical Control (Switching), CP 3200, and Force Unprotect/Unlock. Super-
ceded by
JNS - Jupiter Network Suite. A collection of many programs designed as a replacement and enhancement to the
JNIA software. Includes the Router Save/Restore Utility, Physical Diagnostic Utility, Physical Remapping
Utility (PRU) and the I/O Editor. The JNS also includes all the JNS
SERVERs, Board Status Display, Router
Control Utility, JNS Logger, JNS Log Viewer, Force Unlock, Physical Control, and Party Line Download.
JNS Servers − JNS programs that provide data to Jupiter client programs in the same or other computers.
Jupiter - compact, follow−on version of
BCS 3000 CONTROL SYSTEM. A PC-type computer is used as the file server.
Jupiter XPress - Provides a limited set of Jupiter switching and machine control functions using the CM 4000 as
the interface between Grass Valley crosspoint bus routers and certain control devices.
Lawo AG − audio equipment manufacturer based in Rastatt, Germany. Supplied components for Dune Digital
Audio Switcher.
level − historically, a switcher matrix that carries one type of signal, as determined by DIP switch settings on
crosspoint boards. Example: level 1 for video, levels 2 and 4 for left and right audio, etc. However, in 3−stage
switching systems this switch−set level is referred to as the “physical” level; and large systems may require
more than one physical level to provide enough hardware for an entire “logical” level (such as video). The
Jupiter Physical Switching menu refers to a “logical level” that is actually the logical level number, this being
the row number on which the level is identified on the Switcher Level Descriptions table. The logical level
name also appears on this table.