Switcher Description Table
5−42 CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
j. Datatek D−2000/2166
. The physical level number can range from 0 to 6.
k. ESbus switchers
. The physical level number can range from 0 to 254 (but is limited to 96 by the CM 4000).
l. Nexus
. The physical level number is 0.
m. Utah Scientific
switchers. The physical level number can range from 0 to 3.
Notice that protocol can be assigned on a level−by−level basis.
On the CM crosspoint bus, this would allow a combination of TVS protocol on some levels and Binary protocol on oth-
ers. This would be the case in a system which combines a Venus with a TVS/TAS−2000, for example.
Follow Level
Enter name of switcher and logical level that this level is to follow permanently. For video/audio
switchers these boxes are usually left blank, thus allowing for split (breakaway) switching.
For switchers where split switching is not desirable (such as RGB switchers), this entry can be used to force one level
to follow another; for example, “Red” could be entered in the Follow Name box on the menus for the Green and Blue
levels. (This entry is not needed for Triton RGB/YUV applications.)
Note: Jupiter does not support follow level switching when switch requests are issued from the JNS Physical
Control application.
When a switcher of this type and a Grass Valley Crosspoint Bus switcher are entered on this table, an offset of 100 can be
used to avoid having the same level numbers for both switchers. Thus a hardware level setting of “0” on the Alpha Image
switcher could be entered on this table as “100”; or, a hardware Level setting of “1” on the Datatek switcher could be en-
tered on this table as “101.” This eliminates the need to re−set existing level settings on the hardware.
When a switcher of this type and a Grass Valley Crosspoint Bus switcher are entered on this table, an offset of 400 can be
used to avoid having the same level numbers for both switchers. See also preceding footnote.