
CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual Index−3
CE−3000, P−1
Defined, Glossary−2
CENELEC, xxxiii
CET, entry on Serial Protocol table, G−8
CFR, xxxiii
Characters, in set, table, & device names, 5−7
Cheapernet. See Thin net
Chomerics, 2−7 , 2−64
CP−3000 panel, 6−13
CP−3020 panel, 6−26
CP−3800, 6−49
CP−3824 panel, 6−80
CP−3830 panel, 6−93
CP−3864, 6−103
defined, Glossary−2
limitations, 6−13
Clear Flash, Board Info/Control menu, 9−4
Clear PMEM, Board Info/Control menu, 9−4
Clipboard, Windows, 5−6
CM−4000, 1−3
clearing battery−protected memory, B−1
clock, 2−64
Configuration Info and Set Upload, 13−1
connecting to
multiple Crosspoint Bus routers, 2−31
PC, 2−36
remote (third party) switcher, 2−11
connecting to router, 2−3
Controls, indicators, connectors, 1−9
defined, Glossary−2
devices per bus, max, 1−17
drawing, 1−10
entry on Net Description table, 5−27
Ethernet address, K−2
front panel codes, G−13
hardware installation, AccuSwitch, 2−87 , G−2
LED error codes, R−2
levels, max. no. of, 1−16
MAC address, K−2
Switchers, 2−31
Units/levels, 5−37
Next key, 6−138 , A−1
Pending reboot, 5−15
Pin outs, serial ports, 2−63
Protocol table, 5−30
redundant installation, 2−8
kit, 2−10
replacement CM, K−1
software configuration, 5−29
Reset, B−1
software version, 8−2
status check, 8−1 , 9−1
VGA display controls, 6−138 , A−1
Columbine Systems, G−2
Combiner. See VM−400 or DC−400
Compiling/activating configuration set, 5−13
Computer, file server. See File server
connection to CM, 2−3
connector numbering, 5−56
Switcher Description table entries, protocol, 5−43
CP−3800, 6−50
Editor, 5−1
JNS Control Center, 9−6
Activating, 5−13
Compiling, 5−13
Copying and selecting for editing, 5−10
defined, Glossary−2
General description, 5−8
Modifying and downloading, 5−8
naming rules, 5−7
Numeric, 5−11
Configuration guide, 1−22
Configuration Info & Set Upload, 13−1
Configuration Swap, H−1
Configurator, 5−1
Confirm all, 5−43
Connect, on JNS Control Console, 4−2
Connector numbering, 5−56
Contact information, ii
Center. See “Control Center” below
See also model no. (“CP−xxxx”)
baud rate, 5−33
Custom mounting, 1−15
I/O set editor, 10−1
Installing, 2−37
JNS Router Control Utility, 17−1
naming rules, 5−7
Operating, 6−1
Power supply, 1−15
Software Control Panel Suite. See Software Control
Panel Suite