Hardware Installation
2−19CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Software Configuration
The CM 4000 connected to the Encore must be configured using the Network Description table (page 5−27) and Serial Proto-
col table (page 5−30).
When Jupiter is controlling Encore, the Serial protocol setting is: GNP (Grass Valley Native Protocol), 9600 baud.
The router must be defined on the Switcher Description table (page 5−35). From that point, switcher inputs, outputs, a CP
Level Set, and CP input/Output Sets must be defined.
Note: If Encore is controlling Jupiter, different software settings are required. See page 2−91.
Redundant Installation
Some Encore systems may be equipped with redundant System Controller Boards (SCBs). In this case, the recommended
arrangement is to install a redundant CM 4000 and connect the CMs to the SCBs with a BOP 4000 Break Out Panel. See Figure
Figure 2−22. Connection to redundant
Encore Control System. See following
figures for cable variations.
to routing switcher
Encore Redundant SCBs
Redundant CM 4000 System Controllers
Serial Port
Serial Port
BOP 4000 Break Out Panel
Details of the Encore connection are presented below.