Status and Error Codes
CM 4000 Installation and Operating ManualR−2
Startup and shutdown codes
Compiled: May 04 2001, 14:19:49
CVS tag: COMBO_6_1_0.
Startup Codes
Code Description
00 Advance to next code in sequence
01 Starting up the system
0B Initializing the bootp client
0C Initializing the control center client
10 Initializing the time keeper
20 Initializing the router status
28 Initializing the switch processor
30 Initializing the router switcher
40 Releasing application tasks to run
Shutdown Codes
Code Description
E0 Shutting down the system
E4 Suspending applications tasks
E8 Abdicating control to slave board
EC Shutting down serial ports
F0 Saving router status
F4 Closing the switch log
F8 Closing the event log
FF The system is stopped
Other Codes
Code Description
DE A critical disk error occurred
CM 4000 front panel error codes
Compiled: May 04 2001, 14:19:49
CVS tag: COMBO_6_1_0.
Short message / Detailed description
01 Logging configuration version is %s.