MPK Devices
5−111CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
For each dual−bus CP 330, enter the name of the output set that will be used to assign the two destinations.
For each CP 328 (including “/S” type) or CP 330/6, enter the name of the output set that will be used to assign
the destinations.
For each CP 3809 Expansion Panel, the “Out Set” column must be blank.
For CP 3810 / 3810S / 3810L Expansion Panel entries, see page 5−131 and following.
For each CP 3832 or CP 3864 operated as a:
— Single−bus control panel, enter the name of the output that the panel is to control.
—“Split” panel, with some of the buttons used as inputs and some buttons used as outputs, enter the name of the
CP Output Set that will be used to assign destinations to the control panel’s output buttons.
— Main panel with a CP 3810 Expansion Panel, see page 5−131 and following for details.
Out Panel
This column is used only for expansion panel configuration, when that panel will be used for addi-
tional outputs.
For each CP 3832 or CP 3864 operated as an expansion output panel (in association with a source panel),
select the MPK Device name of the associated main source panel in this column. See page 5−127.
For each CP 3809 Expansion Panel, select the name of the associated CP 3808 or CP 3830 main source
For each CP 3810 Expansion Panel associated with a main source panel (CP 3832, CP 3864, CP 3808, or CP
3830), select the name of the main panel. See page 5−131 for an example.
For each CP 3830 Dedicated Output Panel, select the name of the associated CP 3830 main source panel
(see page 5−126).
Note: In some cases you will need to press “Apply” to update the selections in drop down lists.
Level Set
Select the CP Level Set name. Creation of CP Level Sets was described on page 5−58.
For each CP 3809 Expansion Panel, the Level Set column must be blank.
Override Set
Select the CP Override set name. In addition to defining CP 3000 overrides, CP Override
Sets are also used to assign input buttons on CP 300/310/330 and CP 3020 Push Button Control Panels. Crea-
tion of CP Override sets was described on page 5−96.
Sequence set
Select the CP Sequence set name. Creation of CP Sequence Sets was described on page