Status and error codes
CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual R−3
This message is logged anytime the log file is changed. It identifies the version of the logging con-
figuration so that the log viewer knows how to read the files.
02 Logger Error.
This is a generic message for logger errors. These messages will typically only get logged to the con-
sole. This message is typically serious and warrants technical support.
03 Video SYNC input lost.
The board could no longer detect a valid video SYNC reference. Check to make sure that the SYNC
cable is properly connected to the board and that the SYNC source is still active. If SYNC is not re-
stored, frame−accurate operations will not be possible.
04 Time code input lost.
The board could no longer detect a valid time code signal. Check to make sure that the time code
cable is properly connected to the board and that the time code source is still active. Also insure that
video SYNC is connected to time code generator. If time code is not restored, frame accurate opera-
tions will not be possible.
05 Ethernet interface %s inactive for %d seconds.
The board could no longer detect activity on the ethernet interface. Check to make sure that the LAN
cable is properly connected to the board and that it is still connected to an active network. If the
LAN is not restored, it will not be possible for the board to communicate with the rest of the system,
resulting in loss of status or control from other LAN devices.
06 Unconfirmed and unasserted takes on xpt (crosspoint) bus.
The board attempted takes on the xpt bus, but the takes were unconfirmed and not asserted. This
usually indicates an open connection to the router or that the crosspoints were not valid for the
router. Check to make sure that the xpt bus cable is properly connected. If this does not fix the prob-
lem, double check the router’s configuration.
07 Video SYNC locked to %s.
The board has locked to a valid SYNC reference. When this occurs, SYNC is properly connected
and working. However, verify that the SYNC standard is correct for the system.
08 Time code acquired.
The board detected a valid time code signal. When this occurs, time code is properly connected and
09 Unexpected jump in time code to %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x.
The time code input has jumped to a value that is not continuous with the current time line. This
may be expected if the input was just acquired or the time code generator was set to a new value.
Since the video time line was adjusted abruptly, some deferred events may be invalid. If this mes-
sage occurs without cause or the time code value is unreasonable, check the generator and its con-
nection to the system.
0A Ethernet interface %s appears active.
The board detected activity on the ethernet interface. When this occurs, the ethernet is properly con-
nected and working.
0B Unable to initialize udp socket.
The system was unable to initialize the ethernet connection. This is typically a critical error and will
result in lack of communication with other systems.
0C Output %d, level %d is locked.