
About This Manual
This manual provides hardware installation, software configuration, and operating
instructions for the Jupiter CM 4000 Control Module and associated control panels.
A printed copy of the manual is normally provided with the system, along with the
Routing Products Documentation CD−ROM, part no. 071 8274 xx.
This manual can also be accessed through the Jupiter Configuration Editor “Help”
pull−down menu.
Additional Documentation
CD−ROM 071 8274 xx provides electronic copies of Apex, Jupiter, Saturn, Trinix,
Triton, and Venus manuals and field bulletins, including:
This manual
Jupiter VM/SI 3000 System Controller Installation and Operating Manual
(071 8305 xx). Describes JupiterPlus and Jupiter LE applications
Jupiter Getting Started Guide (04 045707 003). Describes simplified soft-
ware configuration procedures for quick system startup
Multimedia Courses:
Setting Up, Configuring, and Operating a Basic Jupiter Control System
(071 8189 00)
Building a Jupiter Tally System from the Ground Up (071 8188 00
Finding Your Path through Path Finding (071 8187 00)
JEP 100 Jupiter/Encore Control Panel Installation and Operating Manual
(071 8376 xx)
Saturn Installation and Operating Manual (04−046654−002)