
Glossary−3CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Crosspoint Bus - Also called the matrix bus. A five−pair bus that carries switching and status commands between
the crosspoint (matrix) cards in the router and the control device. Used with all switchers developed at the Salt
Lake City design center, including Trinix and Venus.
The control device could be any one of a large number of devices, including a CE-300A Control Board (inter-
nal to Mars), a SC 400 Control Board (internal to Venus), a CE 3000 Matrix Controller (BCS 3000 control
system), a CE 2500 Control Electronics chassis, a VM 3000 Control Processor (Jupiter), or a
CE 2200 (PARTY
The protocol for this bus has changed through the years to accommodate larger and larger switchers with
increasing numbers of levels, being identified as “standard,” “extended,” “super,” and “binary.” For example,
the binary protocol uses binary (rather than BCD) coding to increase maximum control size to 1024 x 1024 on
127 levels.
The “octal” protocol type is used only for Mars switchers.
For additional information, refer to the “Switcher Control Rulebook” appendix of the Party Line Control
Maintenance Manual, Grass Valley part no. 04−043473−010.
Crosspoint Bus router − distribution switcher using the Grass Valley
CROSSPOINT BUS protocol. This includes
Trinix, Venus, TVS/TAS−1000/2000/2001/3000, GS−400, SDR−400, and Mars. Also includes Concerto
equipped with CRS−MC−C2 Controller Board.
DA board − digital audio processor for Saturn Master Control switcher.
DDE − Dynamic Data Exchange. A form of interprotocol communication that uses shared memory to exchange
data between applications.
delegation − use of a special control panel or supervisory display to restrict control of a specific VTR to a particu-
lar control panel or panels. The delegation process does not actually connect a control panel to a machine;
rather, it allows the connection to be made using the normal machine linkage procedures. See also Linkage.
DHCP − Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Provides automatic
TCP/IP configuration when a DHCP server is
present on the network.
Distributed routing − sending a switch command through a CM 4000 running AccuSwitch, to a CM 4000 run-
ning JupiterXPress or a VM 3000 running JupiterPlus, and then to a router. Also called switch forwarding.
DVB−ASI - Digital Video Broadcasting − Asynchronous Serial Interface.
downloadable panel − term used with older systems (
CE 2200/PARTY LINE technology). Downloadable panels have
the ability to change display mnemonics and/or category/number button assignments, from a central com-
puter. This is a standard feature with Jupiter.
DSP − digital signal processor.
Dune − ATM−based digital audio switcher built by
LAWO. Discontinued in 2002.
DV board − digital video processor for Saturn Master Control switcher.