CP Output Set
5−79CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
— You may want a control panel in the master control room to have access to all possible outputs. This panel
might be assigned to Output Set “MC−OUT,” which includes a category/number entry for all destinations.
— However, you may want a control panel in a particular department to have access to only a selected number of
outputs. This panel would be assigned to an Output Set (such as “NEWS−OUT”) which has only those outputs
Note: If you want the panel to be restricted to a single output, you could instead use the technique al-
ready described, whereby the name of the output, rather than the name of an Output Set, is entered on the
MPK Devices table. For more information, please see page 5−112.
In Venus DM 400B data switching applications, a CP Output Set is used to assign a category/number and mnemonic to each
“controller” (such as an editor). For more information, see page 5−52.
Level Set
For assigning a CP Level Set to individual outputs (multiple switcher installations)
The Level Set column is used when there are multiple switchers in the system and you want the control panels to control and
status more than one switcher. See page 5−94.
For assigning expansion panel buttons to individual outputs
CP 3000/3010 − Outputs are normally assigned to the CP 3010 TAKE button dynamically by the operator (see page 6−24).
However, by entering an expansion button number from 1 to 160 (8 buttons x 20 pages) in the Button column and appropriate
row of the CP Output table (which is in turn assigned to the CP−3000 panel on the MPK devices table—page 5−107), the output
will be assigned permanently to the desired button. Such assignments cannot be changed using the panel itself.
Note: If an output is permanently assigned to a CP 3010 button, but that output is later removed from the CP Output
table, and the new set downloaded, the CP 3010 will continue to display the name of the output until the output
is manually deleted. This is done by selecting an output that is not defined and pressing the appropriate TAKE key
on the expansion panel.
CP 3800 − When in Multiple Destination mode, CP 3800 outputs can be assigned to the soft keys dynamically by the operator
(see page 6−34). However, by entering a soft key button number from 1 to 80 (8 buttons x 10 pages) in the “Button” column
and appropriate row of the CP Output table (which is in turn assigned to this panel on the MPK devices table—page 5−107),
the output will be assigned permanently to the desired button. Such assignments cannot be changed using the panel itself.
CP 3809 − By entering a CP 3809 expansion panel button number from 1 to 40 (8 buttons x 5 panels max) in the Button column
and appropriate row of the CP Output table, the output will be assigned permanently to the desired button. Note that this CP
Output table must be assigned to the main panel (CP 3808 or CP 3830) on the MPK devices table—page 5−107. (Dynamic
assignment of outputs, using the front panel, is described on page 6−124. )
CP 3810 − By entering a CP 3810 expansion panel button number from 1 to 80 (8 buttons x 10 display “pages” max.) in the
Button column and appropriate row of the CP Output table, the output will be assigned permanently to the desired button.
Note that this CP Output table must be assigned to the main panel (such as a CP 3832 or CP 3864) on the MPK devices table.
See page 5−110.
CP 3832/3864 − although the CP 3832/3864 can be used to expand sources and destinations for another CP 3832/3864, these
panels do not use the “Button” column. Buttons are assigned to outputs by row number. See page 5−90.