Control Panel Operation
CP 3832L / 3864L
6−120 CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
31 sources (green)
Figure 6−150. Examples of CP 3832L split configurations.
1 destination (amber)
16 sources (green)
16 destinations (amber)
16 sources (green)
63 sources (green)
1 destination (amber)
32 sources (green)
32 destinations (amber)
Figure 6−151. Examples of CP 3864L split configurations.
In split panel applications, the buttons illuminated in green have been configured to select inputs; the buttons illuminated in
amber have been configured to select outputs.
During the configuration process, EXP (expansion) is set to “Y” on the MPK Devices Table (page 5−109). The sources are
defined in a CP Input set of type “cp3832” (page 5−74); the destinations are defined in a CP Output set of type “cp3832” (page
Audio−follow−video switching - Check to see that the desired output has been selected (amber button); if not, select it now.
When a source (green button) is pressed, a Take* command is issued to all levels of the switcher matrix. A status* signal is
then returned to the control panel; this confirms the action by lighting the input button that was pressed in “high” green and
displaying the name of the input in the “Current” window.
Breakaway switching − single level Take − Check to see that the desired output has been selected; if not, select it now. To
switch only a specific switcher level, the level is defined by first pressing the appropriate level button; the name of the fir st
level will be displayed in the “Preset” window. The Take command to the switcher will be executed when an input button
is pressed.
* Defined in Glossary Section