
CP Level Set
5−59CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Note 1: For CP 328 panels, under monitor displays, DD production switchers, or external computer control, use
set type “CP 3000.” This is true even when the device can display more than four characters.
The Mnemonic column of this table is the source for the ID of each level that will appear on control panels
during input selection.
The Level column determines the order in which the switcher levels will appear in the control panel
status display. Video is normally listed first. In the example shown in Figure 5−45, the order from left to right will be video,
left audio, right audio, and time code. The first level entered will also be the level statused where display space is limited;
e.g., video will be the level statused on the CP 3000 expansion panel.
Note 2: For DD switcher applications, the video level feeding the DD must be entered in the first row; other entries
are not used.
The source for the switcher Level names is the Switcher Description table (page 5−35).
Using the Break column, breakaway switching can be disabled on a level by level basis. Since the CP Level Set
can be assigned to individual control panels on the MPK Devices table (page 5−107), this can be used to restrict breakaway
switching to specific panels.
Using the Switch column, all switching can be disabled on a level by level basis; and, by CP Level Set assignment,
on an individual control panel basis. Status will continue to be shown for the level.