Barco DP-1500 Home Theater System User Manual

10. Projector registration
10.1 Introduction
The current pro jector is DCI compliant and should be re gistered by Barco. Therefore, the digital c erticate inside the projector will
be used to secure encryption key comm unication between the projector and the r est of the theatre system ( server and theatre man-
agement system). T he lm distributor will send keys to the theatre that are unique for the installed trusted digital cinem a equipment
of that theatre. The lm distributor will nd its information about a theatre in the same database as wh ere the p rojector is registered.
Barco plays as an intermediate station between the theatre and the lm distributor.
Once a projector is registered, the uploaded data can be changed via the update procedure.
R59770091 DP-1500 06/01/2009