12. Servicing
12.3.1 Convergence controls
Extended control knobs
As the DMD of the blue channel is not accessible in the projector, the image of this DM D will be taken as reference. R ed an d green
will be aligned on blue when a sm all convergence drift is recognized. So, the DMD of the blue channel is fixed and can not be
adjusted. The red and green chan nel are equipped with three ex tended control knob s for conv ergence adjustment. The adjustment
knobs a re numbered from 1 to 6 and h ave the same color as t he channel which they effect.
Image 12-5
1 Red channel, knob number 1.
2 Red channel, knob number 2.
3 Red channel, knob number 3.
4 G reen channel, knob num ber 4.
5 G reen channel, knob num ber 5.
6 G reen channel, knob num ber 6.
7 Convergence lock screws o f the red channel.
8 Convergence lock screws of the green channel.
To avoid convergence drift the position of the DM D is fixed with 4 screws per chann el. These screws have to be released to enable
the convergence mechanism.
CAUTION: Do not turn the convergence control knobs prior to releasing the four convergence lock screws.
Neglecting may result in permanent damage of the convergence adjustment mechanism.
104 R59770091 DP-1500 06/01/2009