Barco DP-1500 Home Theater System User Manual

8. Communicator touch panel
8.1 Introduction
Communicator Touch Panel for digital cinema projectors
The Comm unicator Touch P anel is designed for m ulti-user command and control, th e Communicator enables users to learn quickly
and operate efciently - using an elegant and exible touch p anel interface. T he interface’s commonality means that operators
can intuitively use any model in the product line, without restriction, and its user-friendly nature translates d irectly into a short and
enjoyable learning curve.
Image 8-1
Flexible touch panel interface
The touch pane l interface can be mounted upon a swivel arm which easily ts on top of the DP -1500 projector. One central locking
mechanism of the swivel arm allows an instant xation of the touch panel interface in any position.
The touch panel interface can also be installed further away from the DP-1500 projector. For that you can use a serial (RS232) cable
up to 10 meter or an Ethernet cable up to 50 meter to realize a direct data com mu nication between the DP-1500 projector and the
Communicator Touch Panel.
The touch panel interface can also be connec ted with a Local Area N etwork (LAN) just like the DP-1500 projector. In this case both
devices can communicate with each other as w ell.
The touch pa nel interface requires a voltage supply + 12 VDC and 1,5 ampere. Note that the DP -1500 projector has a 12 VDC
output which can be used to power up the touch pane l interface. N evertheless, the use of a separate +12 VDC adaptor (1 ,5 ampere
minimum) is required in case the touch panel interface is installed more then a few m eters away from the DP-150 0 projector.
A crossed DC cable has to be used when connecting the +12 VDC output from the Input & Communication
unit of the DP-1500 projector directly with the Touch Panel interface.
Parts location of the touch panel interface
Image 8-2
A Touch screen.
B Com m unication ports.
C Knob to operate central swivel clamp.
E P ower input (12 VDC 1,5 A).
F RS323 port (9 pins SUB-D ).
G E thernet port (RJ45).
R59770091 DP-1500 06/01/2009