HDCP Notification
HDCPnotification indicates if HDCP content restrictions are preventing a video signal from
passing to the output.
When the Green option is selected, a green screen with HDCP CONTENTtext is
displayed on the output if the connected display device is not HDCP compliant and an
HDCP encrypted input has been selected.
When the Black option is selected, the output mutes to black if the connected display
device is not HDCP compliant and an HDCP encrypted input has been selected. .
To select the display color select the Black radio button or Green radio button.
Screen Saver Settings
When no active video is detected on the selected input, the screen saver mode is
activated. The output sync can be disabled after a user‑set duration, which allows display
devices to go into a low power, standby state.
To set the screen saver options:
1. Click the Black (default) or the Blue with OSD bug radio buttons to enable the
desired screen saver background color.
• Black — Mutes the video output to black for a set duration before disabling the
output sync.
• Blue with OSD bug — Displays a blue background with a moving OSD bug
that indicates”DVS 605: Input X No Signal” for a set duration before disabling the
output sync.
2. Adjust the duration of the screen saver to either:
a. No screen saver (never disable output sync), by clicking the Never radio button;
b. To a user‑defined duration (1‑500 seconds), by clicking the radio button for the
duration field and then click the up > and down < arrows. Alternatively enter a
value in this field.
NOTE: Setting this value to 0 disables the output sync immediately when no
active input is detected.
On Screen Display Message
When the selected On Screen Display message shows the name of the current input and
the detected input signal. The message is displayed for a user‑defined duration (1‑501
seconds) after an input switch.
To set the On Screen Display to display messages:
1. Select the Enable On Screen Display check box.
2. Adjust the duration that messages are displayed on screen, click the up > and
down < arrows, or enter a value in the Duration on Screen field.
NOTE: Setting this value to zero disables the On Screen Display Message.
To disable the On Screen Display message, clear the Enable On Screen Display
check box or set the duration to zero.
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