Chapter 3 Menu
Chapter 3 Menu
Writing data in the snapshot and
automation data
When READY SETUP button is light yellow
All of the appropriate channel processing controls on
the display can be switched into READY status by
touching the button icons by or parameter numeric
value window. The READY status is shown by either
the parameter number tuning yellow, or yellow bar
appearing under the buttons. The controls in SAFE
mode have green parameter numbers or no bar display
under the switches.
When the READY SETUP button is dark yellow
Individual channel controls that are already in the
READY status can be ‘DROP’ed’ into automation
WRITE by touching their parameter value or button
icon. The WRITE mode is displayed by touching the
parameter numbers red or by displaying a red bar
under button icons. New automation data is written
when a control is in WRITE and timecode is run at
PLAY speed.
If you touch the display window when a control is in
SAFE mode, parameter numbers turn red, but data is
not written.
Basic Components and Functions of the Windows
Touch the display
READY/WRITE display on the IN/OUT button
icons on the window
In READY status, a yellow bar appears under the IN/
ON buttons.
When ‘DROP’ed’ into automation WRITE, a red bar
appears under the IN/ON buttons.
Automation data written in the unit is cleared when the
power is turned off or the unit is restarted unless you
perform the KEEP operation.
Also, the snapshot data is cleared when the unit is
turned off or restarted if the KEEP function hasn’t
been performed.
For detailed information on the KEEP operation, see pages
37 and 88.
READY status: Yellow
WRITE mode: Red