Extron electronic DVS 605 Stereo System User Manual

X4& = Input signal/SDI genlock
0 = Disabled; (default)
1 = Input signal genlock enabled; locks output vertical to the selected input vertical rate
2 = SDI genlock enabled; locks output vertical to the applied genlock input (“D” models only)
X4* = Input signal/Genlock Status
0 = Input signal / SDI genlock disabled
1 = Input signal / SDI genlock enabled, but cannot lock to applied input signal/SDI genlock
input. DVS defaults to set output rate/refresh
2 = Input signal/SDI genlock enabled, output locked to applied input signal/SDI genlock input
X4( = Input HDCP HDMI authorization status:
0 = Block HDCP encryption
1 = Allow HDCP encryption (default for inputs 3, 4, and 5)
X5) = Default name: combination of model name and last 3 pairs of MAC address
(for example DVS-605-Series-07-8C-EC).
X10! =
Specic port number: 01 through 99 (00 = reversed). The port number will be represented as
two hex characters (for example, port 05 would be represented as 30 35 in hex).
X10@ = Command data section
X10$ = On/off status: 0 = Off/disable; 1 = On/enable
X10^ = Unit name is a text string up to 24 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9),
minus sign/hyphen (-). No blank or space characters are permitted as part of a name.
No distinction is made between upper and lower case. The first character must be an alpha
character. The last character must not be a minus sign/hyphen.
X10& = Local date and time format
Set format is MM/DD/YY-HH:MM:SS; for example, 06/21/02-10:54:00
Read format is day, date month year (HH:MM:SS), for example, Thu, 20 Feb 2003 (18:19:33)
X10* = IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx); leading zeros in each of 4 elds are optional in setting
values, and are suppressed in returned values.
X10( = Hardware (MAC) address (00-05-A6-xx-xx-xx).
X11) = Subnet mask (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). Leading zeros are optional in setting values in each of four
fields, and are suppressed in returned values.
Default subnet mask =
X11! = Verbose/Response Mode, (default = 0 for telnet connections, 1 for RS-232 host control).
0 = Clear/none;
1 = Verbose mode
2 = Tagged responses for queries
3 = Verbose mode and tagged responses for queries.
NOTE: If tagged responses is enabled, all read commands will return the constant string +
the data, like setting the value does.
For example command: Esc CN } response: Ipn X10^]
X11@ = Priority status for receiving timeouts
0 = Use Send data string command parameters (if they exist).
1 = Use Congure receive timeout command parameters instead (default = 0).
X11# = IP address converted into single 32-bit number. (for example becomes
(10*256*256* 256)+(13*256*256)+(0*256)+(254) which becomes 167,772,160 +
851,968 + 254 which equals 168,624,382)
X11$ = Baud rate: 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800,
38400, 57600, 115200 (default = 9600)
DVS 605 • SIS Communication and Control 33