1/99 SMV 3000 Transmitter User’s Manual 47
6.2 Overview
About Configuration
Each SMV 3000 Transmitter includes a configuration database that
defines its particular operating characteristics. You use the SCT 3000 to
enter and change selected parameters within a given transmitter’s database
to alter its operating characteristics. We call this process of viewing and/or
changing database parameters “configuration”.
SMV configuration can be done using the SCT either on-line, where
configuration parameters are written to the SMV through a direct
connection with the SCT, or off-line where the transmitter configuration
database is created and saved to disk for later downloading to the SMV.
Figure 20 shows a graphic summary of the on-line configuration process.
Figure 20 SMV On-line Configuration Process
SMV Configuration
Database File saved
on Diskette
SMV 3000
Data written to SMV
during configuration.
SMV Configuration
Database created using
SCT Configuration
Forms (Tab Cards).
The SCT contains templates that you can use to create configuration
database for various smart field devices. The SMV templates contain the
configuration forms (or tab cards) necessary to create the database for an
SMV transmitter.
Continued on next page