Figure 4-9 Transmit message menu, select file window opened
(11)Press [Enter] to open the file list window.
To change drive on a PC, move the cursor to the command
line, type drive name (for example, “A”), and move the cur-
sor to anywhere in the File Name column.
(12)Press [Enter] to select file and close the file list window.
(13)Press [Esc] to close the select file.
Go to step 9 at the top of the next page.
procedure for transmitting a message (con’t from page 4-5 )
9. Press [ ] to advance the cursor to the LES ID line.
10.Press [Enter] to open the selection window.
Figure 4-10 Transmit message menu, LES ID window opened
Note: If the LES ID entered is invalid, “Cannot use this LES.
Please check network configuration.” appears.
11. Select LES ID.
12.Press [Enter] to close the selection window.