6. Press [Enter] to open the text window.
EGC Channel List
11080* 12580* 10840* 11088*
ENT: set ESC: quit
Figure 2-28 EGC channel list, cursor displayed
7. Enter EGC channel frequency code.
8. Press [Enter] to close the text window.
9. Press [Esc] to open the update window.
EGC Channel List
11080* 12580* 10840* 11088*
ENT: set ESC: quit
Yes No
Figure 2-29 EGC channel list, update window
10. Select “Yes” and press [Enter] to register input.
Note: The EGC channel frequency code range is 8000-14000.
Any frequency code entered which is out of this range will
display "Input Error: Channel No." Clear the error mes-
sage by pressing the [Esc] key. Place the cursor at the in-
valid frequency. Then, press the [Enter] key and enter
correct frequency.
Programming NCS Channels
This section shows you how to add NCS channels to the NCS Chan-
nel List. Up to 19 channels can be listed per each ocean region. Cur-
rently, there are four NCS channels, and they are marked with asterisks
in the list.
Below is the procedure for adding NCS channels, when they become
1. Press [F8] to display the Setup menu.
2. Press [9] to display the Configuration menu.
3. Press [4] to display the NCS Channel List.