Furuno RC-1500-1T Stereo System User Manual

3. Press [Enter] or [1] to display the Transmit Message menu. The
cursor is on the Priority line and “Normal” is selected.
Figure 4-2 Transmit message menu
Note: An error message may appear under the conditions below:
Unit is not logged-in. -Error message: Cannot start to send.
(not logged-in)
Unit operates as an EGC-only receiver-Error Message:
Cannot start to send. (EGC receiver)
The message file line displays “Message now being edited” when
a file is currently displayed.
4. Press [ ] three times to place the cursor on the Destination Type
5. Press [Enter] to open the selection window.
6. Select Destination Type among “TELEX”, “FAX” or “SPEC
Figure 4-3 Transmit message menu, destination type window
7. Press [Enter] to close selection window.